The project


Genre ? UNIQUE ! is a collective and experimental curatorial experience based on the principle of inclusion. It is intended to reproduce the results of prior research in the form of exhibitions, collective performances and interactive meetings with the public.

In line with the current development of experential culture and committed curatorship, Genre? UNIQUE! proposes itself as a living laboratory of a new relationship to the other.

Genre ? UNIQUE ! aims to offer thematic events whose fruition passes through an intimate experience of its content as well as by going beyond the limits of the pure exhibition in which the artists fully engage, offering the public an organic encounter, without intermediary, an exploration of the questions posed by the sharing of experiences.

Genre ? UNIQUE ! offers on each of its renditions an open questioning in the form of correspondences.

With Genre? UNIQUE! we invite you to make the choice, and therefore to offer the public, a global experience, a direct encounter with the artists, their work, their process of creation and thought, an invitation to better understand the world of images and their power to define the contours of our identity and our realities.


First edition


On November 16, 2018, at the invitation of PhotoSaintGermain, was held the absolute first of Gender? UNIQUE!. It took the form of an undisciplined and multisensory evening around gender dynamics, the confusion of identities, the freedom to be and respect for differences.

Were riunited for the occasion:

Romy Alizée, Stéphane Bossard, Federica Chiocchetti et The Photocaptionist, Pierre Chuchkoff, Karin Crona, Chloé Devis, Maria Donata d'Urso et Disorienta, David Fathi, Bérangère Fromont, Caroline Gayffrier, Yingguang Guo, Emilie Hallard, Mouna Karray, Sophie Knittel, Emilie Lauriola, Jinsil Leem, Camilla Pongiglione, Giuliana Prucca et Avarie, Annakarin Quinto, Arianna Sanesi, Francesca Seravalle, Claudia Squitieri, Anna Ten, Valérie Thierry, Nathanaël Wadbled, Sasha Walter and friends, & guests.