The project


#nousavonstantapartager invites its public, and in particular young people aged from 6 to 16, to 2.0 investigative games in the form of workshops each time different and leading them to create, produce, disseminate collective tangible and intangible spaces: zines, ecozines, biozines, machinima, connected cabins, barcode treasure hunts, scratchboum etc.

#nousavonstantapartager puts participants in concrete conditions of exploration and production allowing them to test their intimate qualities.

#nousavonstantapartager mobilizes all communication and information techniques, from paper to digital, including video games. Based on judicious recycling of printed paper, enlightened exploration of the web and critical diversion of video games, it ignores borders and barriers in order to create links of transdisciplinary meaning, to encourage meetings outside of frameworks and to open up new ideas. additional spaces for self-development. It will lead to the constitution of a contemporary alphabet book of the gaze that young people have on our world.

Nomadic project, it goes towards all those questioning our hyper-mediatized universes and wishes to propel them in their desires for the future.

#nousavonstantapartager aims to include the potential of each person in an active process of achievement while:



The lexicon and philosophy that this vocabulary supports


Yes, it's true ! We are talking a little mysterious. So here are some definitions!

FANZINE or ZINE : a fanzine (contraction of the English expression "fanatic magazine") is a publication, printed or online, periodical or not, institutionally independent, created and produced by passionate amateurs for other enthusiasts. This type of publication is strongly anchored in the DIY philosophy, popularized by the punk movement, and activates most of the time in the cultural field (in the broad sense).

ECOZINE© : an ecozine © is a zine produced in a single copy entirely made by hand from recycled (recovered printed documents) and ecological materials (homemade organic glue).

BIOZINE© : a biozine © is a zine produced in a single copy entirely made by hand from organic and biological materials.

MACHINIMA : the machinima is a video creation based on video game techniques. It is created from the recording of audiovisual sequences produced by exploiting the customization options of video games. The resulting footage is then edited using video and sound editing software. In a few words, it is a question of diverting the video game for the benefit of a personal expression.

NON VIOLENT COMMUNICATION : The non-violent communication puts empathy at the heart of the communication process and teaches how to interact with others without harming them. Its main characteristics are, besides empathy, authenticity and responsibility.

WWWWHW METHODOLOGY : Who, What, Where, When, How, Why. These different interrogative pronouns are used to ask all the questions necessary to correctly explain the subject to be treated. Well defined, the problem is easier to deal with, the subject more clearly explored or the objective clearer to follow.

5 WHYS METHODOLOGY: the method consists of asking the relevant question starting with a why in order to find the source, the main cause of the failure. And this 5 times in a row, in cascade. This working method is mainly done to find the main cause of the problem encountered.




Theprotocol obviously adapts each time to the context of the restitution. But it nevertheless respects a certain number of common points which experience shows that they allow the workshops to run efficiently.

Gathered in small groups of 7 to 10 people, the participants:

• collectively choose a subject that will have to be summarized in a single word, the meaning and etymology of which will be explored by also submitting it to translation;
• carry out research in order to deepen the subject and exercise their critical eye;
• prepare the media necessary for the transmission of the subject: texts, images, sounds;
• organize these media in an intelligible and attractive way in a zine or a machinima film
• set up a crowdfunding campaign, in particular for the printing of the zine or the post-production of the machinima (sound, music, etc.)
• communicate on the product object and the subject discussed on social networks and on the occasion of dissemination events: trade fairs, festivals, meetings organized specifically in bookstores, media libraries or cinemas, etc.

This process is designed to:

• develop a critical culture of the image, the social networks and the video games
• promote digital autonomy
• encourage the desire to learn and to undertake

It will lead to the production of 4 objects specifically studied for this purpose:

• Ecozine
• Biozine
• Zine
• Machinima
• Connected huts

The diffusion step is important. Participants are encouraged to defend their creations in their immediate environment during exhibitions and conferences organized on the occasion of major local events.


The rendez-vous !

With the complicity of Funzilla, Môm'Arles, OctobreNumérique and Karéron, the following workshops were created and brought together more than a hundred enthusiastic participants:

Ecozine and the exploration of thephotographic self
May 20/21 2018 - Roma - Funzilla

Sunday October 7th 2018 -The Long Sunday - Kabarouf - ON-Octobre Numérique !

Ecozine, Dilili and gender equality
Dec. 2018 - Maison des enfants - Arles - Môm'Arles
To see the zine "Les Malmaîtres" click here: .dpf

Ecozine and the ecology of water
Jan-Feb 2019 - Maison des enfants - Arles -Môm'Arles
The zine "Anti-plastique ! le zine qui sauve les tortues" can be seen clicking here: .dpf


June 15th 2019 - La Verrerie - Arles - Destination Tiers-Lieu

Connected cabins
Oct. 5th 2019 - The Long Sunday - Papèteries Etienne - leboudoir2.0 - Môm'Arles - ON Octobre Numérique

The QR code workshop, a workshop initiating to digital interaction

Oct. 2019 - Maison des enfants - Arles - Môm'Arles

The 2.0 little journalists

Sept. Oct. 2019 - Maison des enfants - Arles - Môm'Arles with France Keyzer

The connected ecozine
Sept. 25th 2019 - Maison des enfants - Arles - Môm'Arles with Annakarin Quinto

Scratch Boum, an initiation to programming through the creation of videogames
Oct. 21/24 2019 - Maison des enfants - Arles - Môm'Arles - with Chloé Desmoineaux

The connected ecozine
Oct. 2019 - Maison des enfants - Arles - Môm'Arles with Chloé Desmoineaux and Annakarin Quinto

ScratchBoum, an initiation to programming through the creation of videogames
Oct. 28/30 2019 - Marais du Vigueirat - Arles - Môm'Vigueirat with Chloé Desmoineaux

The connected ecozine
Oct. 31st 2019 - Marais du Vigueirat - Arles - Môm'Vigueirat with Chloé Desmoineaux and Annakarin Quinto