The project


leboudoir2.0 is a nomad research lab for concrete images growing as an online and IRL community of people who, facing the contemporary flood of mediated images, wishes to reflect on why and how to show photography today.

leboudoir2.0 promotes a visual literacy adapted to the contemporay uses of photography.

leboudoir2.0 develops a critical view on images and a deontology of their circulation in order to foster social relationships based on respect, equity, emulation, transmission, sharing and fighting against stereotypes.

leboudoir2.0 gathers artists, photographers, filmmakers, journalists, thinkers, philosophers, publishers, booksellers, galleries, curators, graphic designers or just anyone interested in the idea that if we want to change the world we first have to learn to see it.

leboudoir2.0 was named after the French «Salons littéraires» that were gatherings of freedom of speech and spreading of up-to-date and unconventional thinking leading to the cultural revolution of «Les lumières».


The means


leboudoir2.0 offers for each new event a fluid sharing protocole combining performances, exhibitions, projections, free speech, open conversations,
direct encounters as well as specific modules focused on the photobook (On my lap, etc.) in order to create global and intimate experiences.
leboudoir2.0 also regularly proposes informal meetings in private places where to pursue in safe spaces the reflection on the whys and hows showing photographytoday by creating transversal reflections with other professions and expertises, from the painter to the philosopher, form the doctor to the judge.


Each event meets the following essential criteria organized in strict protocols: 
- Mobilization and respect for differences; 
- Freedom of proposal; 
- Systematic inclusion of views and suggestions.

To reach its objectives, leboudoir2.0 develops the following actions: - Formal and informal meetings organized as spaces for freedom of expression and sharing - Special editorial projects, including collections of screenings - Decryption workshops
- Bespoke residencies leboudoir2.0 also creates video collections around three themes that are close to its heart: - SCREENINGS FROM ABROAD: images from all over the world in order to present rarely seen works and to broaden the knowledge of "the other". - PIXEL STORIES: a historical journey of the encounter between images and pixels. - PIXEL NARRATIVES: an exploration of the narrative power of the pixel in its relation to images.

We don’t want to show you the world, we want you to love it.
And we believe that those who want to change the world have to first learn to see it.

Some key events

leboudoir2.0 - Exhibtions & performances - Lusted Men
Rencontres d'Arles - Arles - July 5th to 11th 2021
leboudoir2.0 - Talks & performances - Carte blanche Cosmos
Rencontres d'Arles - Arles - July 8th 2018
leboudoir2.0  - Open conversation with David Solo [Collector] - invited by Natasha Christia
Ars Libris - Barcelona - April 22nd 2018
leboudoir2.0 - Talks - Carte blanche Zine of the Zone
Arles se livre - Arles - Feb.22nd to 25th 2018
leboudoir2.0 - Collective performance- Genre?Unique!
Photo Saint Germain - Paris - Nov. 16th 2017
leboudoir2.0 - Talks & performance - Carte blanche Hans Lucas
Rencontres d'Arles - Arles - July 4th to 8th 2017
leboudoir2.0 - Performative open conversation -Correspondances #1
Photo Saint Germain - Paris - Nov. 18th 2016
leboudoir2.0 - Talks - Carte blanche Paris Berlin
Monat der Fotografie OFF - Berlin - Oct 21st to 23td 2016
Cartographie de la photographie contemporaine #0
Editions leboudoir2.0 - July 2016
leboudoir2.0 - Talks - Carte blanche Fonderia 20.9
Rencontres d'Arles - Arles - July 4th to 9th 2016
leboudoir2.0 - Talks & performances - #0
Rencontres d'Arles - Arles - July 6th to 11th 2015
#mybeautifulpixel#2 - Exhibition, screenings and performances
Ateliers de Belleville - Paris - March 20th to 30th 2014
The Parisian BookJockey set - performance live à partir de livres photographiques - avec Sadreddine Areski
The PhotobookFest - Nov. 16th 2013
#mybeautifulpixel#1 - Exhibition, screenings and performances
Rencontres/exposition collective - Ateliers de Belleville - Paris - 20/30 mars 2013

Some of the explored topics are : 
- Aesthetic, gender and body
- How women invented the photobook
- American Imperialism and identity
- From magic to barbarism, from the real to the virtual, the contemporary territories of the photographic
- Liquid identities
- The limits of photography
- The quest for a new ethic in photography
- Archives, fictions and lies
- Migrants, representations and mirrors
- The unintentional in photography
- This unknown space between the landscape and us
- Experimental photography
- Conceptual art and surveillance
- Revolts and identities
- Capitalism and propaganda
- Beyond technology, is photography a science?
- The female body, this political territory
- Photography and modesty
- Death and taboos
- Adolescence and photography today
- Photography, archives, identities and scientific research
- Body representation strategies
- Correspondence in art
- Play with photography
- Books without borders
- Erotica
- ... [non-exhaustive list]


The community

leboudoir2. has brought together artists, thinkers and researchers from around the world and has collected a collection of archives of reflection on the image 
by bringing together during passionate exchanges the following voices (non-exhaustive lists):

Valentina Abenavoli - Afghan Boxers - Romy Alizée - Francesco Amorosino - Pascal Anders - Sadreddine Arezki - Isabelle Arvers - Mathieu Asselin - Ariella Azoulay - Patrick Bailly-Maître-Grand  -  Nicolas Baudouin - Brigitte Bauer Nico Baumgarten - Lionel Bayol-Thémines  - Delphine Bedel - Carolle Benitah - Sonia Berger - Pierre Bessard - Giulia Bianchi - Steve Bisson -  Alex Bocchetto - Julien Bonnin - Ines de Bordas - Stéphane Bossard - Arnaud Brihay - Ynfab Bruno - Emanuele Brutti - Olga Bubich - Kurt Buchwald - Lewish Bush - Philippe Calia -  Laura Carbonell - Melissa Carnemolla - Alejandro Cartagena - Piergiorgio Casotti - Valérie Cazin - Luigi Cecconi - Gabriela Cendoya - Cécile Chagnaud - Louisa Chaput - Federica Chiocchetti et The Photocaptionist - Natasha Christia - Pierre Chuchkoff - Federico Clavarino - Karin Crona - Nathalie Dallies - HannahDarabi - Gregory Dargent - Christopher de Bethune - Frédérique Destribats -  Rebekka Deubner -Claudia De La Torre - Chloé Desmoineaux - Chloé Devis - Fatoumata Diabaté - Ilaria di Biagio - Matteo di Giovanni -  Discipula - Maria Donata d'Urso et Disorienta  - Carine Dolek - Philippe Dollo - Simone Donati -  Daniel Donnelly - Bruno Dubreuil - Margaux Duquesne - Grégoire Eloy - Laura El Tantawy - Isabelle Evertse - Niccolò Fano - David Fathi - Andrea Ferrari - Simona Filippini - Fonderia 20.9 -  Bérangère Fromont - Paul Gaffney - Sara Galbiati - Françoise Galeron - Gazebook - Eran Gelat - Ilias Georgiadis  - Tony Gentile - Yingguang Guo - Lea Habourdin - Emilie Hallard - Halogénure - Julie Hascouët - Peter Helles Eriksen - Elisabeth Hering -  Taco Hidde Bakker -Pauline Hisbacq - Olivier Hodasava - Hannah Hughes - Anne Immelé - Eugenia Ivanissevich - Loeïza Jack - Claire Jolin - Dragana Jurisic -  Ata Kam - Mouna Karray - Hester Keijser - France Keyser - Farah Khelil - Pauline Klein - Sophie Knittel - Ilka Kramer - Laura Lafon - Federica Landi - Jean Larive - Finn Larsen  - Emilie Lauriola   Luce Lebart - Michel Le Belhomme - Jinsil  Leem -  Claude Lemaire - Marc Lenot  - Baptiste Lignel - Mila Lignel - Nathalie Locatelli  - Sandrine Lopez - Tom Lovelace - Amak Mahmoodian - Sara-Lena Maierhofer  - Giulia Mangione - Alaa Mansour  Stefano Marchionini - Tobias Selnaes Markussen  - Philip Martin - Cécile Menendez - Catherine Merdy - Tanvi Mishra - Frédéric Mit/Régis Martin - Valérie Mréjen - MYOP - Laura Noble - Kate Nolan - Nicola Nunziata -  Novella Oliana - Rodrigo Orrantia - Franck Orsoni - Sara Palmieri - Richard Petit - ParisBerlin>fotogroup - Tommaso Parrillo - Tim Plamper  Camilla Pongiglione - Julie Pradier - Bärbel Praun - Pascal Pronnier - Giuliana Prucca et Avarie - Annakarin Quinto - Lotte Reimann - Christian Reister Massimiliano T.Rezza - Rachel Rom - Inti Romero - Chloe Rosser - Jenny Rova - Jérémy Saint-Peyre - Mariateresa Salvati - Laure Samama - Mariela Sancari&Adolfo Cordova - Arianna Sanesi - Ottavio Sellitti - Francesca Seravalle - Zhen Shi - Sofia Silva - Theo Simpson - Stéphanie Solinas - Marie Sordat - Aurélie Sorriaux - Karolina Spolniewski - Carlos Spottorno - Claudia Squitieri - Eleonora Strano - Adrien Tache - Michele Tagliaferri - Marc Tallec - Maija Tammi - Myrtille Tibayrenc - Temps Zéro - Anna Ten - Valérie Thierry - Loïc Thisse - Yulia Tikhomirova - Martin Toft -  Lauren Tortil - Tumuult  - Caterine Val - Jule Vallauri  -  Awoiska van der Molen - Hadrien van Melle - Rocco Venezia - Clément Verger - Salvatore Vitale - Didier Volckaert - Nathanaël Wadbled - Sasha Walter - Mario Wezel - Nadine Wietlisbach - Alex Yudzon - Alba Zari  - Anna Zekria - Zine of the Zone etc

The philosophy

leboudoir2.0 is first of all a state of mind that we wish to be contagious.  

aims to explore the fuzzy spaces of photography, its known and its unknowns, all those moments where the image invites to experience the surpassing of its own limits, not hesitating to submit it to the question.

We believe in the multiplicity necessary to draw the outline of a subject, an open and inclusive multiplicity, which is established by avoiding any exclusion,
through exchange and respect for differences.

Adopting forms that are renewed with each meeting, leboudoir2.0 is a collective space for free discussions and direct sharing around images and their manifestations.

Oriented towards the general public more than towards operators of the photographic industry, it invites each to learn from the experience of the other.

It presents itself as a nomadic laboratory of concrete images bringing together artists, visual artists, photographers, filmmakers, journalists, thinkers, performers,
 philosophers, publishers, booksellers, galleries, curators, graphic artists, jurists, designers and all those who, faced with the contemporary surge mediatized 
images, question why and how to show photography today.

leboudoir2.0 is thus intended to be an incubator of creativity and transversal reflections with the desire to offer everyone, photographers and non-photographers,
experts and non-experts, a space open to discussions and freedom of speech.

leboudoir2.0 embodies a certain philosophy of life and work as well as an approach to the world and social relations based on listening to and respect for others. 
We want to apply in our exchanges the rules of well-being together: benevolence, respect, application of the rules of non-violent communication, mutual aid, 
faith in the unlimited capacity of creativity to find a solution to any obstacle, be in the proposal and not judgment, exchange, welcome, share and not impose.

leboudoir2.0 also openly saffirms its objective of putting the photographer and photography back at the heart of the debates. In a world where there are more 
and more photographs are there really more and more photographers? We think that the photographer is an important figure in our contemporary societies: 
brought to take a distance from reality, as much to decode it as to transcend it, he / she thus develops a critical look on his / her own medium.

Imagined and orchestrated by Annakarin Quinto, leboudoir2.0 is now taking off as a collective organization in its own right, with a life of its own.


To particpate to a leboudoir2.0 event is above all an intimate experience that can be easily transcribed into single images.  

Here is what some participants said about their experience. We willingly kept them in their orginal language.

In times of fast consumption of photographic products a place where each author, group or project have more than an hour to explain, show and debate a work with the public is a rare thing. Leboudoir.2 was a refreshing and intense experience. Not only did the place call for concentration, intensity and a relaxed state of mind, but the interaction among people served to prove how each project was/could be received in real time, what type of doubts or insights it carried, and how it pushed the author/authors to the front to face genuine reactions by a stimulating public. All in all, the Leboudoir.2 concept served as a general test for the work, to make the author get out of his nutshell and provide her/him an intense face-to-face exchange with others. I wish Leboudoir.2 to continue to prompt debates, to unveil the real intentions of authors and to reveal what is behind the invisible curtains that separate the public from the true source of a work.
Massimiliano Tommaso Rezza - Artist

I was delighted to show a piece of my work and participate in an artist talk at leboudoir2.0 in 2015. I found it indeed interesting and liberating to communicate in a friendly context without rules or official standards, yet with a passionate interest and a high demand of quality. It was exciting and reassuring to speak to an audience that was free of judgement, but critical enough to make each contribution important. This experience developed my consciousness about my own creative process in a very positive manner and at the same time opened my mind to the thoughts and ideas of other photographers/artists in a most constructive way. leboudoir2.0 not only creates and reinforces bonds in between photographers and anyone passionate about contemporary photography, it also encourages an inspiring discussion around «what is an image » that makes room for new ideas and solutions.
Karin Crona - Artist - Photographer - Art director

Annakarin Quinto is a dedicated photography maker and a passionate photography lover. On top of that, she is moved by a strong will to share her knowledge and passion with others, both professionals and not. By sharing her thoughts, doubts, discoveries and inspirations with her honest and profound attitude, she opens dialogues that are accessible to everyone is willing to go beyond the often deceiving «surface» of photography and explore the complexity of this discipline, often hidden by an apparently easy but deceiving approach.I had the chance to take part to the first edition of leboudoir2.0 and I was impressed by the atmosphere of true exchange that Annakarin Quinto was able to create there. Some of the conversations I followed and was involved in at leboudoir2.0 are definitely the most important and useful experience I brought home from Arles 2015 and I hope this will happen also during the edition to come.
Paola Paleari - Critic - Writer - Publisher - Curator

LONG LIVE leboudoir2.0 ! Undoubtedly one of the best things I have seen in Arles 2015. What I really enjoyed was the informal atmosphere and the fact that it was a real place to share ideas and being able to discuss, freely, about many aspects of photography. Everyone at the same level. Plus, very very very interesting talks. Lots of inspirations and the ability to create a network of really passionate people from different fields of photography. leboudoir2.0 MUST KEEP LIVING. IT IS VERY IMPORTANT.FOR ALL OF US.
Piergiorgio Casotti - Photographer - Video maker - Artist - Documentarist

I thoroughly enjoyed leboudoir2.0 in Arles last year. It was a place to pause and escape from the madness of Place du Forum, and truly discuss photography and books. A place of discovery and interesting debates with passionate people. Annakarin Quinto created a welcoming space, stripped of snobbery and representation, a haven to focus on what really matters in photography today, yesterday, tomorrow. It was nothing short of an ideas lab in a convivial environment. I look forward to attending again this year.
Sophie Knittel - Artist - Photographer

I participated at leboudoir2.0 in 2015 in Arles as both artist and public. Annakarin Quinto and the other hosts (comes immediately to mind Laura Carbonell) have lead the most meaningful conversations I heard during the festival. They generously discussed with their guests about culture, book making and photography. They have invited artists, editors and publishers that had true originality in their thinking and they were seeking to truly understand the grassroots of the art world in the bigger European context. I believe it will be extremely beneficial for the festival of Arles to have again the presence of the leboudoir2.0 in 2016 because Annakarin and her team are really trying to bring forward the conversation with the pioneers of new and meaningful ways of thinking and making art with photography.
Giulia Bianchi - Artist - Photographer - Collectors’ advisor

What did I like about leboudoir2.0 2015? Well, firstly, as a speaker along with Inès de Bordas (publisher at ADAD books), it’s one of the most relaxed forums I’ve ever participated in (or attended). I think this is paramount. But what does that mean precisely? It means, leboudoir2.0 creates an atmosphere conducive to critical thinking with an informality and a tangent that I believe other forums wouldn’t be able to create. This is why it’s unique. The speakers are relaxed, the audience is relaxed, everyone is brainstorming as if they were in a cafe. Although, of course it’s not taking place in a cafe. In 2015, I believe the building itself was built in the 15th century (please correct me if I’m wrong). It was beautiful, cool white stone walls, sofas, cushions and blaring heat outside. It was like an haven. I had FUN, and that’s really important to me, the entire experience was not only inspiring, it was also ‘light’ ... A breath of fresh air. (Perhaps this is just me, but it was one of my personal highlights of Arles 2015). I do hope to be in Arles this year, 2016, and to of course attend leboudoir2.0 as part of the audience. I’m sure you have a superb line up. VIVA leboudoir2.0!!!
Olivier Pin-Fat - Artist

Après avoir participé à leboudoir2.0 en juillet 2015 à Arles, j’espère vivement qu’une édition 2016 verra le jour dans des conditions d’accueil encore meilleures. Les initiatives Off autour du programme officiel des Rencontres d’Arles prennent de plus en plus d’ampleur chaque année, mais leboudoir2.0 n’est pas juste une exposition de plus parmi tant d’autres. Autour de la personnalité de Annakarin Quinto, un «collectif improvisé et improbable» s’est constitué l’été dernier et continue depuis à fonctionner de manière ouverte, tout au long de l’année, sur les réseaux sociaux mais aussi dans la «vraie vie». Dans cet espace ouvert à tous les passionnés de l’image, peu importe l’origine géographique et culturelle, et peu importe la génération. Pas question de suivre ici la mode des émergences - si toutefois ce terme veut dire quelque chose, car leboudoir2.0 est un melting pot (melting point ?) où ce qui compte, c’est le partage, la rencontre, la discussion. Les questions abordées tournent souvent autour de nouvelles formes de présentation et de diffusion de l’image photographique, moins le mur, un peu l’espace, beaucoup le livre sous toutes ses formes. Avec une énergie incroyable et partie de rien, Annakarin Quinto a su, en juillet 2015, rassembler un public plus nombreux de jour en jour, autour de dizaines de rencontres dont certaines restent gravées dans la mémoire de leurs participants, tant les échanges furent denses et les émotions intenses. Ma propre expérience fut celle d’une rencontre/échange avec deux personnes (Karin Crona et Stefano Marchionini) qui m’étaient inconnues encore 5 minutes avant, et pourtant, parce que choisis avec soin par Annakarin Quinto, nous avons immédiatement pu tisser des fils entre nos approches respectives, dialoguer d’abord entre nous devant le public puis vite avec le public, tout en improvisation et simplicité, avec sincérité et profondeur. L’essentiel est là : non pas, en tant qu’individu, se mettre avant et se vendre au mieux (d’autres espaces sont désignés à cet aspect-là de la vie d’artiste), mais investir le lieu avec l’énergie de chacun et le désir d’aller vers les autres. Vive leboudoir2.0 version 2016 !
Brigitte Bauer - Artist - Photographer - Professor at Beaux Arts de Nîmes

J’ai adoré participer au boudoir2.0 en tant qu’artiste, afin de présenter mon projet de livre et, en tant qu’amoureuse de la photographie, de participer à une projection, apprendre, découvrir de fantastiques travaux photographiques. Et dans une ambiance conviviale bienvenue! A refaire encore et encore!
Carolle Benitah - Artist

leboudoir2.0 était à Arles un refuge ! Pas seulement pour combattre la chaleur, même si les cafés glacés le faisaient très bien. C’était surtout le lieu le plus accueillant, un salon grand ouvert où tout le monde se sentait invité à entrer et se poser un moment. Un lieu de découvertes et de rencontres, de partage et de conversations. Ouvert, immédiat, chaleureux et très intense. Ecouter, découvrir des auteurs et des livres si divers d’une telle qualité, avec une telle écoute, entamer des débats passionnés et passionnants avec une telle facilité et un tel accueil, était une expérience extraordinaire, un vrai régal. Le seul regret que j’ai est de ne pas avoir eu le don d’ubiquité pour assister à toutes les rencontres. De loin le lieu le plus généreux de la ville, grâce à l’engagement total d’Annakarin Quinto. Pour moi clairement les meilleurs moments d’ Arles 2015, en dehors de la fournaise de passion, et bien réelle, de Cosmos. Arles est pour moi le lieu de croisement et rencontre idéal entre auteurs et amateurs de photo, et spécialement dans mon cas, de livres photographiques. Je n’envisage plus Arles sans cette qualité, cette proximité et honnêteté. Merci Annakarin, et vivement leboudoir2.0 2016 !
Gabriela Cendoya - Critic - Blogger - Photobooks’expert

leboudoir2.0 était un véritable espace de discussion pour les amateurs et professionnels du livre photo.L’ambiance unique créée par Annakarin Quinto permettait aux spectateurs de devenir participants. L’ambiance était à la conversation, et ce entre tous. Dès que l’on passait devant, on pouvait s’accouder à la fenêtre ou s’installer sur un tabouret libre, pour prendre la conversation en cours. Cette liberté d’entrée et de sortie à tout moment était exceptionnelle. On avait toujours l’impression d’être à la maison, d’y être le bienvenu. J’aimais beaucoup aussi les livres en consultation disposés au quatre coins du salon, toujours à portée de main. La qualité des intervenants, des conversations et présentations rondement menées est évidemment à souligner. Conversations parfois pointues, parfois plus générales, mais suscitant toujours le débat. Et enfin, nous avons beaucoup apprécié que notre premier livre, Anecdotal, et son auteur, David Fathi, soient soutenus par leboudoir2.0. Merci Annakarin et vivement la prochaine édition !
Emilie Hallard - Artist - Photographer - Publisher at Maria Inc. - Co-founder of the Paris Photobook Club and of the Photobook Fest

Il progetto leboudoir2.0 creato da Annakarin Quinto è stato un grande successo durante la prima settimana de Les Rencontres d’Arles del 2015. In un contesto come quello degli eventi “off” leboudoir2.0 si è rivelato essere un punto di ritrovo per approfondire tematiche legate alle pratiche contemporanee della fotografia attraverso dibattiti e incontri con professionisti e amatori di quest’arte. Annakarin Quinto ha saputo organizzare un evento che comprendeva una mostra basata sul rapporto tra fotografia e il libro e una settimana intera di conferenze aperte al pubblico la cui partecipazione ha reso ancora più fertili gli scambi e le discussioni. Grazie alla capacità che Annakarin Quinto ha di coinvolgere persone diverse, con energia e passione, l’intervento di fotografi, artisti, editori, grafici è stato reso possibile e il seguito naturale è di continuare su questa strada per poter creare un evento che richiami ancora più gente. Non si tratta di creare una piattaforma elitista ma un vero e proprio luogo in cui tutte le opinioni contano e in cui a tutti viene data la possibilità di esprimersi. Il progetto leboudoir2.0 ha bisogno di diventare più grande per potersi affermare e trovare la collocazione che merita, ovvero quella di punto di riferimento per gli appassionati di fotografia che non vogliono accontentarsi di vedere o ascoltare, ma che vogliono partecipare e discutere dell’essenza della fotografia e di tutte le sue sfaccettature in un ambito, quello de Les Rencontres, che ha bisogno di essere in qualche modo rinnovato e reso più vivace.
Stefano Marchionini - Artist - Photographer

Nous ne voulons pas vous montrer le monde, nous voulons que vous l'aimiez.
Nous pensons que ceux qui veulent changer le monde doivent d'abord apprendre à le regarder.
Et nous détestons le plastique.


Annakarin Quinto