The problem is no longer to get people to express themselves but to provide little moments of solitude and silence in which they can find something to say. The forces of oppression do not prevent people from expressing themselves; on the contrary, they force them to express themselves. What a relief to have nothing to say, the right to say nothing, because only then does it become possible to grasp this rare and ever rarer thing: what is worth saying.


Gilles Deleuze
Pourparlers 1972 - 1990
Les éditions de Minuit, Paris, 1990



The Shelter is an artists' residency promoting an ethic in the production and dissemination of images.

Based on the principles of inclusiveness and transversality, it offers the development and sharing of a critical view of the contemporary world.

Two modules are proposed:

- "On the spot", a residency bringing together 3 artists, including a resident of Arles to explore the territory of the Pays d´Arles and its close surroundings with innovative points of view; the restitution will take the form of a collective exhibition presented during the Rencontres d´Arles

- "Care", a residency intended for all those who have dependents (children, co-habitants suffering of illnesses or handicaps, elderly, etc.) in order to allow them to have space and time for reflection freeing them from the constraints of everyday life.


The Shelter wants to be a place where to meet, learn and share, a space where to incubate objects ready to be diffused in the widest possible way.

It is also a place where relationships are built around the values ​​of emulation, transmission, respect and sharing.

With the support of Fotodok Utrecht and with the curator of Daria Tuminas, the first "On the spot" residency was riunited from February to end of March 2022 and its restitution will take place at Monoprix in the official context of Les Rencontres 2023.

More informations here : Here Near

Designed and coordinated by Annakarin Quinto, The Shelter is carried by Le Bureau d'Investigation du Réel, an association from Arles.













Annakarin Quinto